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Affiliated to the R S G B

Rules amended - September 1957 - January 1971 - December 1982 - January 1985 - January 1988 - January 1990 - June 1992 - January 2001 - February 2010 - January 2013

  1. The society shall be called the Leicester Amateur Radio Society
  2. The objects of the society shall be to promote the knowledge and practice of Amateur Radio and kindred subjects.
  3. The society shall have a committee consisting of the following officers
    1. The Chairman
    2. The Vice Chairman
    3. The Secretary.
    4. The Treasurer.
    5. The Assistant Secretary.
      and 4 (four) additional members

  4. The President and Vice President will not hold any other position.
    1. They will hold office for 3 (three) years with a one year overlap to provide continuity.
    2. The positions are free of club fees.

  5. The duties of the committee shall be as follows :-
    1. The Chairman shall take the chair at meetings.
    2. The secretary shall keep all members informed of the forthcoming activities of the society and keep minutes of the business at each Annual and Special General Meeting and at meetings of the committee. Such minutes shall be read and signed at the next Annual or Special General Meeting
    3. The Treasurer shall keep a proper record of the accounts and report on them at the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and pay all accounts on the orders of the committee and when required surrender the same to the committee
    4. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary plus duties as contest manager.
    5. The Committee shall be responsible for planning the activities of the society bearing in mind its objects and shall meet under the chairmanship of the Chairman not less than every 6 (six) weeks throughout the period of October 1st - June 1st.
      Four members of the committee shall be a quorum at the committee meeting.

  6.  Powers of the committee :-
    1. The commitee shall consider every application for membership and shall admit or refuse any application as they think fit
    2. The committee shall be entitled to expend the society's monies in the furtherance of the objectives of the society and for this purpose purchase equipment, hire accomodation or sell equipment as they think fit provided that no equipment shall be sold for any price without first being offered for sale at an Ordinary General Meeting and no higher price being offered. The committee shall see that one of its members keeps a register of equipment belonging to the society with such register to be available for inspection by any member of the society at any reasonable time.

  7.  Membership :-
    1. Any person interested in Amateur Radio and kindred subjects shall be eligible for membership but membership shall not be granted after consideration of application for membership by the committee at a committee meeting.
    2. No person other than a fully paid up member may vote at any Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting or Quarterly Meeting of the society.
    3. Any person may attend a club meeting other than an Annual General Meeting, Extraordinary General Meeting or Quarterly meeting as a visitor not more than twice in one year.

  8.  Meetings :-
      1. The A.G.M. shall be held on a Monday in January. The Secretary shall give members 14 (fourteen) clear days notice of the A.G.M
      2. The Officers and committee members of the society shall be elected at the A.G.M. by vote of fully paid up members only. They shall take  office immediately on election and retain office until the next A.G.M.

      1. A group of not less than 6 (six) members may submit a request to the committee through the Secretary that an E.G.M. be held. Such request shall state the reason for holding such a meeting and put forward a date for the meeting, and the Secretary shall give members 14 days notice of the motion and place and date of the meeting.
      2. A E.G.M. may also be called by the committee where it is desired to change the rules of the society or whenever the committee shall consider that a matter of sufficient importance has arrisen to warrant calling such a meeting.

  9. Financial Year and Subscription :-
    1. The financial year of the society shall run from January 1st to December 31st
    2. The membership fee for the forthcoming year shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote of members fully paid up at December 31st the previous year. The proposition shall be presented and voted on immediately after the Treasurer's report
    3. The membership fee shall be payable either in 1 (one) payment in January or 2 (two) installments of half, one to be paid in January and the other half to be paid in July.
    4. Life membership shall be granted for a fee of 10 (ten) times the current annual fee.
    5. Members who at the Annual General Meeting are :-
      1. Under 17 years old, or
      2. Undergoing full time education, or
      3. Unemployed and holders of a valid UB40, or
      4. Over 60 (sixty) years old, or
      5. Considered by the committee to have a good reason.
        Shall pay one half of the current membership fee.
    6. Each member of a family group shall be granted 15 (fifteen) percent reduction of their subscription fee in addition to points (1) to (5) above.
    7. Any person admitted to membership between January 1st and December 31st shall pay a proportion of the full fee equal to the proportion of the year's remaining from the date of acceptance of application for membership.

  10. In the event of the collapse of the society in the distant future, the total assets are to be donated to charity.


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