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Welcome to the Leicester Radio Society, as a club established for over 100 years, we have a complete House dedicated to ham radio. All of the rooms are used for the purpose of promoting ham radio and associated Electronics, we have a workshop for any projects you wish to tackle too.

A warm welcome will always be extended whether you are a licensed amateur, shortwave listener or just interested in finding out more about this facinating hobby. We meet every Monday from 7pm, we are always happy to see new members and somebody will always be available to show you round.

The Club's Aim's are:-

  • The development of Amateur radio and all associated activities.
  • Training of newcomers and those who wish to upgrade licenses.
  • Provision of the best possible equipment and facilities for the above to take place in pleasant and suitable areas.

Training rooms for candidates that are properly designed and set out, able to fulfill this role on several days of the week and for candidates with a very broad range of physical abilities. Training and examinations can be arranged for both Foundation and Intermediate candidates, with prior arrangement, Advanced examinations can also be accomodated.

Operating rooms

Shacks with sound-deadening built in, to prevent general noise from interfering with radio operation. HF/ VHF shacks are separate.

Lecture room

Lecture room to cater for visiting speakers and larger club meetings.

Committee room
Where the business of running the society can take place without interrupting these other operations.

A place for you

Refreshment and Toilet areas to cater for everyone that wishes to join in at LRS - no one should be barred from membership because of any physical disability or building access / design limitations. The social side of membership is as important as anything else. To have somewhere pleasant to stand and sit and chat is a consideration here.

Car park

We have ample parking on site.

What do members get for their money?

We currently have close to 112 M2 / 1200 sq. ft. within a Victorian house and adjacent semi-portable lecture / meeting room. The lecture room is used for lectures, meetings, chatting and training purposes. The main house comprises a basic kitchen facility, CW training / Committee room, small training room, a first floor HF shack, a first floor workshop and adjacent VHF / UHF shack. We also possess a fine range of radio equipment, ancillary equipment, towers, aerials and, best of all, a friendly and welcoming membership. Foundation and Intermediate classes are available subject to availability of space and trainers - volunteers are always welcome!

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