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OPEN MEETING 8.15/ 13th June 2016



we had no minutes from the last meeting as russ still not very well but improving

Mike to speak on finances

so far this year we have bought the new radio ft3000 and power supply £1700.89 from martyn lynch

sold the ts950 due to a add in radcom we had no response from free adds or members of the club.

Finances as follows

£14,253 in the bank

£2586.78 incomings

£3139.83and out goings

£303.50 table top sale

£40 in the donation box,

there a 4 chqs at this time awaiting to be cashed

we have 51 members 13 full and 31 half price =44 and the rest life members

it was also mentioned maybe the life time members after 10 years could pay a nominal fee of £10 a year to remain members.

we have had massive Rent increase from £1.000 yr to £1600 a yr we have appealed and are waiting a response

Thanks was given to paula and tony and all who help in the kitchen for all there hard work,

donation to rainbows was mentioned Mike said this would be paid . This week

John spoke about the abbey pumping station special event station and asked for support running the station.

And end of july 30th and 31st iota contest weekend we did well last year and are hoping to do better this year and all members are welcome to operate or log or just come and support the club

suggestion box and or feed back form so we can see if members are happy with the running of the club

Phil spoke about the new radio and computers and asked if any members would like any specific programes to be loaded.  

Peter would like the club to open up more nights a week maybe for a data night or tuesday evening to do the vhf and uhf contests from the club using one of the club calls


Training and exams

just had a successful foundation course and the next one is a foundation 1 day course 6th aug

practicals in morning followed by exam in afternoon also full exam in afternoon

all officiated by Duncan

Heating for the club was put on hold while the appeal was in progress re rent increase.

The club call signs G2AA G5UM and G3LRS are also a priority as they are held by past members and need bringing back into the hands of the club and this needs doing sooner than later.

It was mentioned the club may like to do some more fund raising (as the last table top sale was such a success maybe a bring and buy night or faggot and peas night or pasty night the choices are endless and suggestions would be welcome

Maintenance on the 3 beams/ tower/coax was thought to be a priority

electrics need some TLC

the VHF shack is definitely in need of a tidy and clean up

also gardening we need more people to help with the up keep of the club

we would like a contest team of our own lrs contest team we need to get on the radio map lrs is disappearing we are lacking enthusiasm and need to get motivated

themed nights suggestions   were asked for for talks

the open meeting ended ( fizzled out) about 9 oclock

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