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EGM + AGM lrs 25TH Jan 2016    

Meeting started at 1930 Club HQ


Apologies Keith G6UBP Deryk G3XKX, Trevor Hillier, Chris G0WBC

29+1 members (1 left early)

EGM Constitution change;-

1 .Principal Committee members Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer. Secretary should have to be members for a consecutive previous 24 months.

2. Ordinary committee members to have been consecutive members for a previous 6 months.

3. Age concession to be raised from age 60 to 65

Item 1 and 2 Counter proposal by Tony Wheeler of a shorter period of membership.

Proposal of 24 & 6 months carried Prop by Pete M1GAS 2nd by Keith M6EIF

Item 3 Concession change to 65

Prop G4SJX 2nd Paula

20+7 against 2 abstentions

Counter Proposal 1. No concession by Mick G4KKS 7+ 23 against

Counter Proposal 2 no change by Jim 14+ 16 against I abstain

Age Concession to 65 accepted.

AGM Minutes

Item 1 apologies as per start of EGM


Item 2 Minutes of January 2015 Read by Secretary Alex

Jim asked about Rainbows and John Eley Payments.

Mike G4SJX said it was in hand.

Item agenda 3

CHAIR ADDRESS, Taken by Vice Chair John G0IJM on behalf of Tony M3PYG

The club had been radio active from HQ IOTA in July, CQ LRS as instigated by Mike G4SJX in April, This is not a contest as such billed as a Chairman’s Challenge with the aim of contacting as many up members on ANY band and any valid MODE.

Our events team activated at Wymswold “Windmills on the air”

Also club participated in number of events at the Abbey Pumping station.

Activation of club call signs principally G2AA and G5UM on HF and 50/144/432 ssb from HQ and occasional members.

The Front room had been substantially cleared to eventually become a downstairs Shack.

There is a considerable amount of items need clearing from wooden shed..

We intend to dedicate the room to Jack Hum G5UM a past president and a mentor to many.

Most of the residue of John Eleys components had been disposed with at Rugby RATS rally

Training was on going for our own people for Foundation and Intermediate training and examination.

As a licensed examination centre we make a small charge for External candidates

Item 4 No presentation of G5UM G3PBC & Construction Trophy or winner of LRS challange..

Item 5a Secretary report by Alex G8FCQ

1.      Mick Morris appointed as President. Post was vacant.

2.      Theft of ICOM from V/UHF shack.

3.      Thanks to Russ 2E0CRE we now have a comprehensive list of assets and a record on the Rig Register.

4.      Reminder of Agreement to conclude Normal Monday evening business by 2200 to keep noise level down to Neighbours.

5,      TS950 repairs (Numerous) completed by Peter M1GAS

6. Tests on EMC Noise levels

Noise on HF SSE from the Hotel complex area and LOROS to be investigated (Pulsing QRM)

EMC noise levels high in v/uhf shack self generated from CCTV and associated PC ongoing. Making weak signal working difficult in particular on 50 and 144 MHZ.

7.  Activities

Islands on The Air

160 metre Club calls



CQ LRS (Managed by Mike G4SJX objective to work as many club members on as many bands and any mode)

Major Projects

G3TQF built K2RIW 70 cms linear loaned to club in Nov 2015 agreement with Geoff that if not used by club to be sold towards club funds..

Heat and vent system in Lecture room to be completed.

NEW WEB Site activated by Phil Taylor

5b Treasure’s Report by Mike G4SJX

54 paid up


Main items subs up from £934 to £1236

Tea up from £605 to £720

Training income up from £324 to £425

Donations and misc sales down from £601.96 to £432

Raffles from £47 to £65

Cash and other SK Sales including sales of £500

Misc income from Insurance company regarding stolen Icom £3,278

With insurance took total income up to

£6,656 for 2015 from 2014 figure of £2,513 ..


Main changes

Water down to £105 from £127

Electricity down from £852. To £627 Gas down from £295 to £199.88 Insurance up to £1065 from £1009 Internet unchanged at £119.88

Geoff G4AFJ said we should consider looking at a different energy supplier.

Same applies to Broadband.

Rent same as £1000 (Quarterly)

Total expenditure down to £3,698 from £3,771

Bank balance £11848 2014     £14806 2015 (note +£3,300 insurance )

FULL 2016 Statement available

Adoption of reports moved by Pete M1GAS and seconded by Tony M3PYG

Item 7

To set full membership Fee for 2016 at £36.00 with concession of £17.50 (-15% for family)

8. Nominations and election of officers

Chair Peter M1GASvICE Chair John G0IJM

Secretary Russ 2E0CRE Asst Sec Sandra Morley G0MCV

Treasurer Mike G4SJX

Additional members Tony M3PYG Paula Alex and Phil

9. To consider any motions proposed and previously submitted in writing to the committee .   None..submitted.

10 Matters arising..

Mike G0ATR asked about Pot holes. It was explained that the road is un-adopted and that the manager of the Chantry had attempted to persuade some neighbours into contributing to its care,

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