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Opened at: 19:37

  1. Apologies: G3XKX Deryk, G4SJX Mike, G0WBC Chris 2E0CRE Russ, G1IUT Tom, and Dot.

29 Members and 2 visitors present.

  1. Minutes of previous AGM. Alex G8FCQ read minutes of 2016 EGM/AGM.
    They were accepted and Tony proposed, John seconded.

  2. Presentations:
  • Polly was presented with flowers for her hard work in the kitchen.
  • Tony was presented with a bottle of whisky for all his hard work in the kitchen and opening the club up for us all.
  • Duncan presented the project award to James for his achievement/foundation.
  • John M0CQV was awarded the G5UM mike for all the time he has spent helping with special event Stations setting up all the morse keys and radios for the public to see
  • The Craythorne Trophy was presented to Colin M6KCX for persevering with morse classes

  1. Chairman’s Address:
  • Electrical work. Pete Matt and Tony had been at the club over the 2 weekends, the council demanded we have the electrical installation checked and the result was that the installation was condemned and the building isolated with full supply to the lecture room and only lighting in the toilets and kitchen, no supply in any other area of the house.
  • The car park had been scraped down to the base in readiness for the 20 ton of 20ml granite being delivered on Friday 3rd February 2017. Volunteers were asked for and 10 hands were raised for Saturday 4th Feb 9 am onwards.
  • The TS950 was sold £600 and with the insurance money we had got for the radio we had stolen, we bought the Yaesu FTDX3000 and power supply and a new aerial (Carolina Windom) we had a table top sale that raised over £300 and G4AFJ was going to buy the amplifier we had been given.
  • G4SJX Mike was recovering slowly but regaining strength day by day

  1. Annual Reports:
    1. SECRETARY: Sandra addressed the membership with a Secretaries report. Russ was not well and she had taken over the post half way through the year. She has been promoting the club through RADCOM and on RSGB news and also trying to keep in touch with other clubs. Also mentioning how we had been busy with all the work being done and all the fund raising through the year.



Continued over…


  1. TREASURER: The accounts were a little vague as we had not got all paper work, the accounts were read out that we had from the last open meeting.

  • Suggestions were asked for about fund raising and keeping the club going as we are eating into the savings 
  • We had been lucky to have some donations from Joe Kinch from the care home at the back and Sandicliffe garage opposite
  • We had done some raffles

  1. The membership were asked if they were  happy with reports Keith proposed and Polly seconded

  2. Membership Fee: Alex proposed the membership fee should be put up to £40 full £20 concessions

The membership all agreed 28 for 0 against

  1. Nominations received for 2017 committee:

Chair: Peter Cheeseman M1GAS
Vice Chair: John Marriott G0IJM and Keith Miles G6UBP
Secretary: Sandra Morley G0MCV
Treasurer: Mike Harriman G4SJX
Assistant Secretary: Phil M0VSE
4 additional members: Trevor Hillier, Keith G6UBP, Alex G8FCQ, Tony 2E0DBT

There was a ballot for the position of Vice Chair, John G0IJM was elected 21 votes to 8

All other members were elected unopposed and it was decided that Mikes position of Treasurer was to be held open for him for at least 6 months, If his health improved he could take back the Treasurer’s job, if not Phil would carry on.  It was said the Assistant Secretary / Assistant Treasurer roles could be combined.

  1. Any other motions in writing: none

  2. Other maters arising

Trevor asked if we could help with Scouts communications badges. He was asked to put it in writing to the committee.

Trevor asked if he could be ground care taker

Jim asked if we could provide ear phones for use with the HF radio when in the lecture room

There being no other business, the AGM closed at 21:02

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