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JULY 10TH 2017


28 club members present

Pete spoke about a contest team and how we are struggling to get interest and volunteers

Rubbish was mentioned and as we do not get a dustbin collection

the membership were asked if the could help take some home or make a trip to the tip.

Ideas for talks were asked for

The donation box is doing well and the money from now on would be used for on going repairs first on the list is kitchen ceiling and second on the list toilets/ sinks

Insurance for club equipment and lecture room is very high £1,100 and should be looked into and try and get cheaper quotes

Heating of the house during the winter was discussed and the general feeling was that converter electric heaters should be used for the room that was being used at the time,

The club is losing members we are down by 7 from last year,

we have a bring and buy sale coming up 7th Aug all items sold at 10% commission for the club also a raffle to be done on same night

Rats rally on 20th Aug Alex and Keith was hoping to have a stall

quiz night on 21st Aug run by John g0ijm and answer sheets £1 each

Phil has set up a for sale tab on the web site and also papal account for membership renewal or donations

the p60 tower needs a lot of repairs and ongoing maintenance

new coax we need to keep all equipment fully


Or thanks go to Tony who has repaired the winch.

Fire notice and assembly point notices are to be put up in the club.

Alex spoke to the membership and said he would like to set up a remote station receive only for a start so club members who have not got hf radios can access it and maybe transmit later if it took off.

Mike spoke to the membership about the finances

£12,187.42 end of year (june

payments out £1.000 rent

                 £85 water

                 £810 electric

                 £202 gas

                 £222 bt

                 £1117,65 insurance

Electrical work carried out £1219

A lot of equipment was donated by Matt saving us a lot of money also time put in by club members our thanks goes out to them

so roughly £3000 running costs per year and we have spent a further £6000 on extra equipment

we have had £760 donations so far for car park plus gravel donated by freedom care thanks to Alex for keeping in constant communication with them,

Phil and Mike have been working on the accounts

and as usual kitchen money keeps topping us up.

Mike spoke about iota contest 29th 30th july over night stay

and asked for help to man the two stations this year we would be using N1MM+ this new logging programme is very easy to use and would help us as both stations would be connected to it

also WAB going for gold running till 2019 could be used as a club activity almost like cq lrs as we have done in the past.

John g0ijm spoke about the recent exam that had taken place

via internet and said what a success it had been both candidates had passed and had results straight after exam finished

and also said about intermediate course would start early august

and a foundation later this year or early next year,

After passing round the donation box £30 was raised

alex talked about the condition of the road up to the club and had raised the matter with joe kinch so on going.

21st august quiz night and the cost would be £1 per answer sheet also a raffle would be run for club funds.

It was opened up to the members for suggestions and work parties were asked for re kitchen ceiling and tidy the club up

Chris and Adam volunteered for helping with kitchen ceiling.

It was noted Lorraine was worried about the new logging system for iota but was reassured it would be ok Chris mentioned about putting tea and coffee prices up but it was decided to keep them as they are just rely on donations through the donation box

Lorraine donated £60 towards the kitchen ceiling many thanks Lorraine there were no more questions or suggestions

so the meeting was closed at 20.57  

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