Present Alex Keith Pete Phil Mike John Sandra
absent Trevor.
The minutes were read from the last committee meeting and accepted.
Christmas party was a great success the food was fantastic just enough, £100 was given to Kerry and £6 was returned we sold another 6 tickets giving us £30 extra for club funds and £ 70 was made on the raffle so a good night was had by all.
The subs were talked about and it will be on the agenda for the agm to rise full £60 concessions £45
paid in 2 payments first one due end of january but to be paid by end of February second payment due end of june to be paid by end of july the committee members must be paid up by 4 weeks after agm. this is to be voted on at agm.
Kitchen/diner ongoing and to be started as soon as the weather breaks
skills nights/weekends to be arranged after kitchen done
and club tidied up.
Mike / phil to get accounts up to date ready for agm
nominations for new committee members
Chair = Pete
Vice chair =John
secretary =Sandra
Assistant secretary membership secretary=Phil
Treasurer =Mike
Ordinary members
Chris G0WUS
John M0CQV
But all up to club members at agm and if any other member want any of these positions a vote would be held.
Any other business
Raynet would like a price for 2 hours a month using lecture room for a meeting,
they need to put in a request in writing stating what day how many people .
Contests are still being entered and we as a club are doing very well, also trying to do as many as we can from club rooms trying to encourage the members to take part,
Bartag contest rtty over the weekend 27th -28th again to be done from the club rooms using n1mm logging programme.
Mike gave his thanks to all that helped with yota
and thanks were given to Tony for the loan of his grand children,
meeting closed 8.45