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Meeting was opened at 2000hrs

The minutes were read from the last meeting all was agreed

and signed by Pete

Toilets were under way and the white plastic cladding is really looking impressive and a floor covering will be the last job.

Letters are still ongoing to club call holders

Adam has been given a set of keys to the club

Club activities / organised trips ie Bletchley park or coach trips it was hoped some of the club members or committee members could come up with some ideas.

Work parties

Chris has been cladding the ceiling of the toilets

Kitchen has come to a stand still lack of money

Rota for kitchen and toilet cleaning duties should be arranged by the committee

20th aug Pete

27th aug closed

3rd sept Chris

10th sept Sandra

A locker for the food is to be found and put down stairs   so we can store food

Pete doing some research as to best prices for chocolate bars crisps and drinks,

The kitchen

needs someone to oversee and check stocks a book is to be kept as to what sells so the stocks can be replenished.

Pete is to get a book for the kitchen and also buy some chocolate bars and crisps.

Barbara has offered to to run and stock the kitchen

Theme night 17th sept hot dogs or some other food ideas.

IOTA 502 contacts were made just slightly less than last year but there was a good turn out among the members and all enjoyed the weekend.

Membership slightly down from last year

The last weekend in october is to be a Morse code workshop 27th 28th oct

certificates will be issued by the rsgb at the speed required by the candidate to be finalised at the next meeting costs and leaflets,

John G0IJM spoke about sea side special coming up in sept 10th

also about WW remembrance 100 years after ww1

special call GB2LWF running the whole of novenber

from the club on the 10th 11th weekend maybe do some food

and armed forces day 17th nov, chat about what we will do at next committee meeting,

Meeting ended at 21.20 hrs

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