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October the 8th

Present Peter Sandra John John Alex Phil Chris Mike apologies from tony illness,

Meeting was opened at 7.55

The minutes from the last committee meeting were read and all agreed,

Iota results in we were 1st in our section,

Equipment inventory to be up dated

Kitchen still ongoing cooker and hob in and working work surfaces in just cupboard doors and floor covering to be put down

Barbara has got floor covering for the toilet this is also waiting to be put down, and another hand rail needs fitting in the toilet the kitchen window is on order and we are awaiting delivery,

Morse weekend coming up and are we ready

The constitution changes evening went well all members present had their say and seemed happy the changes are mainly with the wording,

Raffle prizes for Christmas raffle.

Insurance liability certificate left on printer

Freedom care donation for car park still in force with new owners

Christmas party format last year was so good the thought was keep it the same, must have a word with Keith to ask his wife Kerry if she would undertake it again as she did such a fantastic job last year,

Pete thought it would be a good idea to have a member of the year award to be announced at the agm in January a plaque on the wall in the lecture room with the person’s name engraved on it,

Table top sale / bring and buy sale on 12th Nov

Special call sign for L W F running from 3rd Nov activation during the month and the special weekend of 10th and 11th also club calls contest on 10th nov top band to be run from club rooms,

Foundation course about to start

Pete suggested we have a clock in kitchen and close the kitchen at 9 pm,

Meeting closed 8.30


1, Letters to call holders

2, car park letters to Skoda garage and freedom care

3, car park on a Monday eve full remind freedom care the car park should not be used on a Monday.

3, Christmas party have we arranged it yet

4, work in and around club

5, How much did we make at bingo night and bring and buy and Morse workshop,

Sandra has a cheque from Colin g0dnb for £10 donation

6, How much is in donation box

7, How is special call doing

8, Raffle prizes

9, Are we ready for open meeting beginning Dec

10, constitution changes

11, Window update

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