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Apologies: TONY

12 Members present

Meeting commenced at 19:30

Pete opened the meeting and the notes from the last open meeting held on 17th June were read and all agreed.

The progress of renovations around the club were the first thing to be discussed the total cost up to date is thought to be around £500 we have run out of money to carry on the work, Chris said he was £20 short for the window and Dave M6CVN donated the £20 so Chris was going to order the window many thanks to Dave for his generous donation.

Lorraine had also given £100 towards the kitchen many thanks were given.

The usual payments were made for rent etc.

Incoming donations for use of the car park were still coming in the kitchen takings are a big money maker.

Up to the end of June the bank balance was £11,875.95

The membership is down this year we have 42 paid up members and the split payment system seems to be working well,

John G0IJM spoke about this coming weekend sea side special

At abbey pumping station GB0APS and asked the membership for support it is hoped to be using SSB, CW, Slow Scan & RTTY.

John also spoke about GB2LWF LEST WE FORGET a special call the club would be running for the whole of November to remember 100 years since the end of WW1, over the weekend of the 10th and 11th November. This would be the main activation but other evenings there would be activation depending on operators. Keep your eye on web site for more info, special QSL cards will be printed.

(Also on the 10th Nov a top band contest will be run from club rooms with club members running from their own QTH / shacks)

G6XX football call had been a success and we have a certificate from Russia,

Adam spoke about having a night out at hobby horse pub for a meal or just a drink end of October.

It was decided that while Tony was unable to run the kitchen due to illness we would try and sort a rota out until he is able to return.

The propagation committee were booked in to use the club rooms early November and it is hoped they will be happy with the improvements done to the club,

Suggestions were asked for

A completion date for the kitchen was asked for

At the moment we were unable to give one as lack of funds and willing hands was a problem.

We are looking for a cooker and hob and floor coverings for toilets and kitchen,

The kitchen is damp in the winter so walls need to be plastered and maybe some of the plastic cladding that has been used in the toilet would work.  

Barbara had done some research into the cost of chocolate bars and crisps being sold in the kitchen and wondered if we were paying too much it was said we would look into this,

Barbara also asked about the updating of the constitution

She had worked very hard on researching this and had down loaded copies of the RSGB constitution for us to look at

It was decided we would dedicate a Monday evening to discuss this Phil is to chair the meeting make changes and then at the next committee meeting the committee would agree changes then at a EGM (before the AGM) in Jan the membership would vote on the changes.

Chris spoke about a corporate discount and award scheme being run by his wife’s solicitor’s office so any member who needs legal advice would help the club as a % would be donated to the club.

There were no other questions or suggestions.

The meeting closed at 8.25

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