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Opened at: 19:40


Apologies: Lorraine G6DNN, Chris G0WBC.

28 Members and 1 visitor present.


Chairman’s Address: Pete opened the meeting with a list of achievements that the present committee have undertaken over the last 12 months.

  • Toilet is very near completion
  • Kitchen is also very near completion
  • GB2LWF was a great success

Annual Reports:

TREASURER: Mike addressed the meeting with the accounts ( see accounts page at back) he is holding a small amount of cash for ongoing jobs £208.55p

members 44 paid up inc life members

Window had been paid for by sales of things and donation box and not out of bank

Dave G7DPU asked if Mike was going to change the format of accounts but Mike said it was working ok so he didn't see the need to change from the present system.

Phil spoke about membership we were a little down from previous year but the 2 payment system seemed to be working well,

PayPal was up and running on website

Phil and Mike to get a list of old members sorted

It was thought a newsletter of some sort could be sent to jog their memories and try and get them interested in the club again.

TRAINING: John G0IJM spoke about training and exams being ran at the club

2 foundation courses and 1 intermediate course plus full exams being hosted at the club rooms.

This year the first course will be an intermediate starting on 20th Feb and 6 weeks into the course the foundation course would start both ending on the same night and exam on same night.

CONTESTING: Alex spoke about the contests:

  • 1st in IOTA
  • 160 CLUB CALL 6TH (11th 2018 and 13th 2017)
  • UKEICC contests been doing very well we had managed 2 teams in the team event 2 teams a & b


Alex gave out the awards: the G5UM was given to Ray and Allen for best achievements in a short time in the hobby. The Chris Craythorne CW award went to Adam G0ORY for his outstanding achievement in CW his confidence had grown in leaps and bounds over the last 12 months, and the construction award went to Dave Carter.


Nominations received for 2019 committee:

Chair: Chris G0WUS
Vice Chair: John G0IJM
Secretary: Sandra G0MCV
Treasurer: Mike G4SJX
Assistant/Membership Secretary: Phil M0VSE
4 additional members: Dave G8PGO, Pete M1GAS, Jon M7SWY, Tony 2E0DBT

Proposed Polly G3PYG and seconded by John G0IJM.

All members were elected unopposed and Chris took the chair for the remainder of the meeting. He thanked the club for giving him the opportunity to be chairman and hoped he would do a good job,

Membership fee for 2020: to be kept the same.


Any other motions in writing: none


Other maters arising

Mike G0ATR asked about having a list of members on the board

The neighbours are still complaining about the noise at the club so ear phones to be used when contests are run from upstairs in hf shack.

Lottery grant was asked about and we had not gone any further with that and it was thought we might have another go at it this year.

Mike spoke about the club may have to pay community charge but we are hoping it will be 0% .

Rubbish on site is a problem and it was asked if people could take a small bag home with them and put it in there bins at home, Alex had been taking quite a lot home,

It was mentioned that the drop in afternoons would continue on the last Thursday afternoon of the month.

There being no other business, the AGM closed at 20:30

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