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MARCH 11TH 2019




The minutes were read from the last meeting and accepted

Letters to be drafted to present call sign holders g5um g3lrs and g6xrs to have them

brought back into the club domain. To be held by members involved in the club.

Winch work still ongoing

Dairy dates booked until july at this time

We are still looking for a site to hold a field day / iota contest needs to be suitable for over night stay and toilets near by. 27th 28th july are the dates

Jonathan has a friend who has a suitable place just awaiting a response,

gb2lwf was very succesful and the QSL card is printed and a few of us have taken a few home to write out

The intermediate course has started and there are 6 on it and 3 have signed up for the foundation course that starts in april,

The club will host an advanced exam for Ray and Allan.

The club must inform out neighbours of activity that takes place other than on monday nights as the noise and movements especially at night worries them in case there is a break in,

Chris has a new shutter that may be altered to fit this may be the answer to the ongoing problem we have.with the shutter

Toilet nearly finished and Chris has been busy fitting the cladding up on the walls ( free cladding donated by Chris from his business.

One of the next jobs to be done is to sort and level the path and fit a light at the end of lecture room

soon as we have a work party,

Jonathan is to find out about some metal work for door,

Dave g8pgo is working very hard to get the vhf shack ready for painting.

Ongoing jobs out side the club include trimming trees shrubs and weeding

Last week we had a visit from Simon strange m0sys the secretary of south notts club

in the hope of inter club liaisons.

1st july launches the the special call for july gb5ehl.

Constitution changes are still being looked at to make it much more easy to understand and follow.

These will be done as we go along and at the agm as the old committee is disolved the meeting should be chaired by the president.

Should the club advertise for a contest team it was decided to put this to the membership at the open meeting,

it was thought emails mail shots and a magazine could be sent to old members to try and get some back. Revitalise there interest.

A magazine would be a great idea it could advertise events training adverts news .

£10 was given to john g0ijm for prizes for the up coming quiz.

Food night coming up so ideas for that

Mains filters were mentioned for the shack radio £100 approx for all 3 and there would be a difference noticed.

Also we should have a maintenance schedule of club equipment the winches towers and antennas

are the main items.

A list of items were given to chris and were read out

some of these things were already on the agenda and otheres were made a note of.

Heath and safety and fire policy were also mentioned and on the agenda for the next meeting.

Meeting ended at 9 50pm

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