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November 11th 2019


Meeting opened at 19.45


Tony 2E0DBT, Dave G8PGO, Alex G8FCQ, Mike G4SJX, Allan G6HPR and Adam G0ory

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved with the following:-

Matter arising

GB5EHL QSL cards – check progress with Pete.

Carpark signs obtained need to mount and display.

List of members to be displayed in hand with Phil/Mike.

Building Work.

Front door being made, in hand with Chris G0WUS to be fitted asap when on site. £250

Kitchen Dave and Adam keen to get water heater fitted - need to speak to Pete first.

John Ely Room Painting resumed thanks to Keith M6EIF.

Window damaged by stone?? Temporary repair by Adam.

Working Party required outside gardening, general tidying etc. Also inside – TBA

Dave/Adam suggested making a cupboard where the coat hooks are by the kitchen to tidy the space

to be investigated.

Tony 2E0DBT offered a loft ladder for the loft in the workshop, accepted with thanks.

Training John G0CQV, Sandra G0MCV, Jim G4DZL and Allan G6HPR interested to help. Mike G4SJX loading up laptop and happy to help get things moving.

We are hosting a Full exam for 2 persons from Nottingham Saturday 15th November unfortunately Tony not now able to open up. Mike to liaise with John G0IJM and Sandra.

FT726 70cms module replaced by Adam now ok on FM but still problems on SSB – ongoing.


Beyond Exams As a result of a visit by Mark Burrow 2E0SBM Region 13 Rep. to discuss this RSGB initiative (to improve activity for individuals and clubs) we have agreed to take part in a pilot scheme being run in Region 13. Mike G4SJX has agreed to be the club link and has registered the Club’s interest with Ian Shepherd G4EVK current RSGB Lead. Now waiting for further information.

Solihull GMT Award Midlands club activity to simulate more on air activity with a focus on the V/UHF bands. Clubs to issue ID numbers to its members – Mike has registered with Solihull ARS and issuing LRSxxx ID numbers to members. Mike to promote the award to members via website and reflector. Please note the Club callsigns in the GX….. form have been allocated the following Ids GX2AA LRS002 GX3LRS LRS003 GX5UM LRS005 GX6XRS LRS006 Members so far Mike G4SJX LRS004 Geoff G4AFJ LRS007 Jim G4DZL LRS008 more to follow I hope!

Further details from https://solihullradioclub.co.uk/award or Mike G4SJX

Deryk G3XKX - request to help clear remaining gear – Alex / Adam to deal.

Tony 2E0DBT offered to set up an account with scrap metal dealer.

Allan G6HPR suggested we start a 2M net agreed Fridays 19.30 onwards 145.325MHz.

Meeting closed 20.35

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