Leicester radio society
committee meeting notes September 9th
Meeting opened at 8 pm
Present Pete Tony Dave Mike Phil Sandra Alex Jonathan
Apologies Chris AND Adam
The committee meeting notes were read from the last meeting all accepted with the correction of Andy G1UOZ call sign wrong on the notes.
Pete to ask Chris for template for qsl cards for GB5EHL
No smoking signs are up and car parking signs to be ordered PARK AT YOUR OWN RISK
Alex talked about the bank signatures and having some other club members added
to the list of who can sign cheques,
Garden jobs out side cutting back trees and bushes tidy up the car park and other jobs
to be added to the next job list.
It was noted that we should have a list on the notice board of all members of the club for that year
A new member was approved by the committee Rob Little
Kitchen on hold at the moment as there are too many regulations to follow re food prep and storage
Kitchen still needs finishing off,
Pete has levelled the floor in the toilet ready for the floor covering to be put down,
Fire plan to be looked at we are not sure what we need at this time,
Call signs
For this winter we need to get a front door sorted as the door we have is rotten,
ask at open meeting about a budget for the door.
Adam and Barbara really getting sorted for Newark rally and hope to sell a lot of the stuff from sk and surplus equipment from the club,
It was noted we still have a lot of unfinished projects /jobs on the go and we need to get our priority's in order and get them finished.
Ask at open meeting for help from the membership to finish the jobs.
Training mike has a lap top donated by Pete for the training so is going to put all the syllabus and training information on there.
Also ask for help with training at open meeting.
We now have a rotator bought from Andy's estate for club use.
Mike is very keen to run an activity event uhf and vhf to try and get the members more active
to be mentioned at open meeting to see if there is any interest.
The 726 radio is faulty not sure if it would be best to sell as a repair or parts
or to repair our selves and sell as a good radio.
It was decided to keep both th e ic725 radios for club use
The committee talked about what we should spend the money we make from selling equipment on
a 4mtr radio would be nice for the club or a icom 9700 with 23cms but neither of these bands are very active unless there is a contest on
and some of the membership are complaining we're more interested in contests than anything else
but it was decided to wait and see what we made and what the club needed the membership are not using the radio we have now.
Adam has lent us a radio but would like it added to the insurance we have cctv and alarms and we could also put it in the safe,
no other business
meeting closed at 9.15 pm