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Meeting was opened at 8pm

Present Phil Alex Pete Tony Sandra Mike Chris Adam Dave Jon on holiday,

Chris opened the meeting

David jacobs our new rsgb rep has been on holiday that is the reason we have not had a visit

GB5EHL qsl cards 625 contacts were made and Pete is just doing the finishing touches to the cards

Training Jim had shown some interest in doing the training but only on a monday night

it was not certain this would work with the club being open to the membership ( club nights)

Mike is happy to hand over all relevant notes paper work to the trainer involved,

it was thought that the training could be opened up to Loughborough or Melton Mowbray clubs to see if any of there members wanted to take part it was thought maybe a foundation course first and just a few candidates.

Jim is to be asked if he is still interested in doing training

Council meeting results

Mike had a call from the council about the carpark and sub letting to the garages this has been a great help to the club it has brought us in some real extra money as donations to the club funds

and we would really miss it.

Some one had rang in and put a complaint in the council already new about this and were not really interested but while they were at the club thet inspected the kitchen and ongoing work within the club they were very happy with all work and the standard of work

signage and a no smoking and food prepared or sold from the club are to be looked at

no smoking within 4 mtrs from the club the porta cabin was not included in the inspection as this was not council owned

because we are open to the public we need to come into line with the proper guide lines

Labelled food chilled food so no food is to be sold from the kitchen in the foreseeable future

Mr Robinson was happy with all at the club and he spoke about gravelling the drive art the side of the club

Alex was worried about signatures for the bank as at the moment only 2 members attend the club

Mike to go to the bank and see what we need to do.

Heath and safety notices are to be made and put up in the club no smoking area park at your own risk

the garden needs some tlc and Alex thought maybe a wild flower garden the hedge wants cutting and sorting and tidying up,

Rally and stock Adam booked and had confirmation for the rally in Newark,

more stock was needed to make it a decent show we have an indoor stall costing us £37 it was thought to be very reasonable we have the club banner   to show off the club,

we have some sk members equipment to sell on behalf of the families and a commission would be charged also the pump up mast on the trailer could be advertised on the internet if it didnt sell then It could be advertised on the stall a picture and write up.

Chris has family and work commitments making it very difficult to put his time in at the club so was going to resign but after discussions it was decided he would stay on until jan 2020 agm

as we had lost the vice chair earlier in the year Pete would stand in as vice chair so if Chris was not able to attend the club meetings Pete would chair the meetings

A list of current members is to be drawn up and put on the notice board so all club members could see who is a member,

any other business

Chris has some handles for kitchen units which will be put on at the next work day,

A former member of leicester radio society had put some terrible things about some of the club members on his web site but as he is not a member of the club, It was decided by the committee   to ignore it

Tony handed a letter to the chair from Kelvin who is not a club member about bulling within the club he states in the letter he has been in touch with the rsgb and Tony was not happy when the committee were not prepared to talk about this matter Tony left the meeting early 9.25

£65 was given as a donation to hearing dogs on behalf of the club for Andy G1OUZ


Meeting ended at 9.30

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