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12th JANUARY 1976

Present:   Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Committee members and members. Total Present 26.

THE CHAIRMAN opened the meeting at 8. 30pm. The minutes of the last AGM were read and accepted as a true record of the events.

MATTERS ARISING. G8JGP said that a notice had been on the club notice board for many months, asking for names of members interested in social events, but there had been no response. The Chairman said that social events were difficult to arrange and on one occasion the club had lost £10. and another did not receive support. At this point the meeting was adjourned for members to take tea and at this poing G3ZJG joined the meeting.

CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. The Chairman reported that the club had come 14th in the HF. NFD contest. He thanked G4CPY for arranging the use of the site. He continued to say that the Leisure 75 had gone quite well and although there had been plenty of help on the first night for setting up the stand, there had been a shortage of members to "man" the stand for the event. He wished to put on record his thanks to the GPO Radio Club for their help with this event. Due to other commitments, the Chairman had not been able to take part in the Abbey Park Show, but from reports received the event had gone well and the stand was a success. Again, his thanks went to those who had taken part.

The VHF NFD result that the LRS had come 17th and thanks went to Ron for the supply of generators for this event.

THE CHAIRMAN continued by saying that the ARRA exhibition at the Granby Halls had been a success again and many thanks must go to G3XKX for all his work in organising the talk in stations.

To Conclude, the Chairman said that the club had the Captain Thomas Cup which was intended to be awarded for merit to non-licenced members for construction work. As no entries had been made for the last two years in this event, the Committee had suggested that the Cup be awarded to the member who in the opinion of the Committee, had contributed most help to the club during the past year. It was suggested that Melvin should receive this in recognition of his work done in the kitchen. G3UGM proposed this motion and G4CPY seconded. Members present expressed their agreement by a show of hands. This concluded the Chairmans report.

SECRETARY'S REPORT. The Secretary said that there had been seven Committee meetings during the year. Seven new members had joined the club since the last AGM, but we had lost both old and new members. The membership now stood at 31 paid-up members. The Secretary said that more must be done to stop members drifting away. Much hard work had been carried out decorating the "shack" and he wished to record his thanks to those who had done this work. The Committee must try to see if this decorating of the club rooms can continue in 1976.

TREASURER'S REPORT. The Treasurer said that as shown on the balance sheet (distributed to members present) the club as £18. 32 down on last year. The cost of most things had risen and he expected the rates for the club to have a sharp rise in the coming year. As few good saleable items had been received in at the club shop, the year's takings had dropped to £6. 95. The ARRA had not made a donation to the club this year, but the Treasurer under-stood this was still on the ARRA committee agenda. He continued, the QSL Cards purchased by the club were held in stock and available to members to purchase. The fuel for use on field days had been donated by members and he tahnked those responsible, as without this, the overall loss would have been much greater. This concluded the Treasurer's report.

G4CPY proposed that the report be accepted, and this was seconded by G3XKX.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS. It was proposed by G4CPY that the retiring committee should be re-elected to serve another year, and this motion was seconded by G3ZFQ. G3ZJS asked if any member present would be willing to be nominated for election to a new committee, but no members wished to do this. G3ZJG asked for the retiring committee to be identified for tbe benefit of members present, and this was done. A Vote was taken by a show of hands for G4CPY's proposal the result being 28 "for" and none "against" the motion. Therefore, the retiring committee agreed to serve for 1976.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS. G4CPY informed the meeting that he was trying to arrange a rota for members to bring a Transceiver to the club each Monday evening. Ian said he would like to have more lectures and requested more help from club members in arranging this. Ian himself, would be giving a talk on Component Coding. The Chairman said he was preparing a talk and demonstration on Oscilloscopes. Richard Newstead offered to give a talk on "Getting started on Satellites"

G4CPA reported on the East Midlands Amateur Group which was formed during the eyar. He said this was an informal group of people from the East Midlands Clubs - the aid of the Club being to improve club relations and to exchange ideas and information. The Group met every three months. G4EPA and G3JVP had attended the last meeting on behalf of the LRS. The next meeting was scheduled for March 2nd 1976.

G8KSU said that he often did not know what was happening in the club and requested better communications between members and the committee. The Secretary promised to try and improve this situation and suggested that a black-board be obtained for the club room for the sole purpose of displaying information.

Ted G3ZFQ proposed a vote of thanks to the Committee for service to the Club in 1975 and this was seconded by David G3UGM

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9. 20 pm.

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