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12th JANUARY 1976
(held after the LRS. AGM)

THE TREASURER reported that the Committee wished to propose, discuss and ask members to vote on an ammendment to rule 8a. - The proposal being that rule 8a be deleted,and the following inserted:

"The financial year of the Society shall run from January 1st to December 31st.

The membership fee shall be £2.50 per year, payable in one lump sum in the month of January, or in two installments of £1.25, the first to become due in January and the second due in July. Any member who, after one written reminder does not pay the required fees, shall at the discretion of the Committee, be removed from the membership list and deemed to have resigned. Life membership shall be granted on a fee of £25.00"


The Treasurer said he felt this was the very minimum required if the Club was not to incur further loss during the coming year.

Ted, G3ZFQ proposed that the proposed amendment, be amended to read -

"£3. 00 in place of £2. 00, and £1. 50 in place of £1. 25 and lif membership be £30. 00 in place of £25. 00"

This was seconded by J Pepper G4EPA.


The Chairman put forward G3ZFQ's proposal to members for a vote. The result was 19 votes for and 1 against.

The Chairman then put the Treasurer's amendment proposal to the members for a vote. The result was 23 for, and none against. It was declared that the motion be carried, and the meeting closed at 9. 40 pm.

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