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Sunday 22 FEB 70

Committee Meeting

Present :- Deryk Wills G3XKX (Chairman)
David Rawcliffe G3UGM (Hon. Sec.)
Cliff Craythorne G3PBC
Vic Winton

Apologies for absence from Tony Barratt G8BMF (Hon. Treas.)

Points arising from minutes of meeting on 8 Jan 70 :-

  1. We have a list of RSGB lectures on tape.
  2. Bob Palmer G5PP is giving us his lecture on Mobile equipment on 16 March.
  3. For the Quiz Contest G3XKX is now in the H/F team and his place as Question Master is to be taken by G3UGM.
  4. VHF Contest 7/8 March - G3PBC to check on the rules. G3BMF is to be asked to organise out efforts in the contest.
  5. Vic Winton said that the Dutch Overseas Radio will only send their correspondance courses to people who apply direct. He will put up details on the notice board.
  6. Hon. Sec. to see John Garner about the tenants agreement with Estates Dept.

The following points were discussed.

  1. Special Callsign GB3LRS for Leisure Exhibition All licensed members will be authorised to use the callsign provided their licenses are up-to-date.
  2. Certificates for 1969 Constructors Contest will be presented on 2 March 70.
  3. Financial assistance from City Countil RSGB have not been able to advise. Hon. Sec. to contact Council direct.
  4. Newsletter Trevor Adcock has offered to produce something in this line.
  5. Club Licence Post Office require a letter signed by the Chairman & Hon. Sec. to transfer licence to G3PBC.
  6. QSL cards for Leisure Exhibition Efforts are to be made to get assistance with cost of cards, as was done in 1966. About 250 required.
  7. Exhibition Construction G8BMF is to be asked to get timber.
  8. Mobile Lecture 16 Mar G5PP has asked us to provide a receiver covering 1.6 to 4 Mhz and one for 2 metres both with B.F.O.'s. He also suggested a talk in station. G3UGM to talk him into QTH on 160m and bring him up to the club.
  9. NFD Agreed to ask Ian McAllister to deliver repaired sets to owner of Field Day site.
  10. Programme
    9 MAR 70 Open discussion on "Home Construction"
    16 MAR 70 Mobile Working - Bob Palmer
    23 MAR 70 Electronics in Industry - Lecture by G3UGM
    30 MAR 70 Closed for Easter
    6 APR 70 Tape Lecture - "ARRL HQ"
    Alternatively - "Radio in Antarctica"
    13 APR 70 Projects Evening
    20 APR 70 Leisure 70. Installation of Exhib
    27 APR 70

    2 metre Night on the Air.

  11. SWL Listening Watch Vote of thanks to Vic Winton & his SWL's
  12. Publications. Since the RSGB will not let us have books on Sale or Return it was agreen that the club should order 12 each. Guide to Amateur Radio (6/6d. selling price) and RAE Manual (5/9d). The RSGB will give us a discount, provided all the profits to to club funds.


The meeting was then closed

J. D. Rawcliffe G3UGM
Hon. Sec.

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