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Committee Meeting 13 Sept 70

Present:- Deryk Wills G3XKX Chairman
David Rawscliffe G3UGM Hon. Sec.
Tony Barratt G3BMF Hon. Treas.
Cliff Craythorne G3PBC
John Garner G3ZJG (Co-opted)

  1. The Hon. Secretary read out a summary of the minutes of the previous  meeting on 21 June 70.
    Arising from the Section headed "Use of Club Call-sign", G3PBC said that he thought it important that use of the call-sign by individual members should not result in the call-sign becoming associated with inferior operating.

  2. Future Events
    G3XKX drew attention to the following :-

    Sunday 20 Sept. Peterborough Mobile Rally.
    Sunday 27 Sept. Bring & buy sale at Motor Industries Research groups on A5 Callsign G3YAY

  3. RAE instruction. The frequency of RAE classes at the club was discussed and it was decided that they would be held on the 1st. and 3rd. Monday in each month starting on 21st September. In addition, on 14 September there would be a preliminary discussion on the classes. It was pointed out by G3PBC that our classes were not intended to replace the courses at the Polytechnic, but to supplement it.
    The classes are to run from 20.30 - 22.00
    In addition a Morse Class would be held every Monday from 20.00 - 20.30

  4. Financial Air from the Education Dept
    On this subject G3UGM explained that the next move is to arrange for the Adult Education Officer to visit us at Groby Road, so that he can see our educational facilities in action. This visit has been held off during the summer when talks & classes are non-existent.
    It was agreed that we should suggest 5 October for the visit by which time, the RAE class should be flourishing

  5. Future Programme.
    The possibilities of future lectures were discussed and the following approaches were to be made :-

    G3BKQ (Dave Dryden) (G3XKX to contact)
    G3YZU (G3BMF to contact)
    The only firm date settled was 28 Sept. when there will be a discussion on the club's activities during the past 9 months, mainly Leisure 70, NFR, Abbey Park & VHF Field Day. It is hoped that members will have suggestions to improve these events next time they come up.

  6. AGM. The date will be the first Monday in January as defined by the rules. This is 4 January 1971.

  7. Heating of Club House.
    Possible alternatives were considered in place of coal, which, it was agreed, was expensive and inconvenient. Since Trevor Adcock has offered to look into the cost of acquiring and fittinf a gas fire, and getting a supply into the house, the committee agreed to accept this offer.

  8. Death of the Club's President.
    It was decided that a notice should be put on the board, statting that the Chairman and Secretary had represented the club at the funeral service of the President, Laurence Ridgeway G2RI on Tuesday 1st Sep 70.

    G3XKX undertook to write to the RSGB in case they were unaware of the death of G2RI.
    On the subject of a new President, it was decided that since the rules do not state that there should be a President, there is no necessity to elect a new President as a matter of urgency.
    It was mentioned that G3RI had offered to have his call sign transferred to the LRS as a second club call. THere was some discussion about whether we should attempt to do this now, but no-one appeared to have a strong feeling on the matter, and no decision was made.

  9. Contests.
    G3BMF made the comment that the club had only 3 CW operators of a high enough standard for NFD, and suggested entering 2 stations, the second being manned by less experienced operators who would thus acquire contest experience. It was pointed out by G3PBC that the two stations would constitute a joint entry, and that the second station would therefor degrade the results of the first. He suggested that would-be operators should enter for RSGB contests open to individuals in order to get experience.

    This led to consideration of the MCC contest organised by Short Wave Magazine. G3PBC considered it unlikely that we should stand much of a chance in this, but suggested that if any members wished to enter on behalf of the club, they should advise the committee.

The meeting was closed at this point

J. P. Rawcliffe

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