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19 Oct. 70

Committee Meeting

Present :- Deryk Wills G3XKX Chairman
David Rawcliffe G3UGM Hon. Sec.
Tony Barratt G3BMF Hon. Treas.
John Garner G3ZJG Co-opted

  1. The minutes of the meeting on 13 Sept 70 were read. Arising from these, G3UGM said that he had not carried out the proposal to invite along a representative of the Education Dept since the RAE classes were not yet operating.
    G3BMF and G3XKX reported that they had not yet arranged any talks by G3BKQ or G3YEU.
    Trevor Adcock had not yet managed to make any progress on the gas heating of the club.

  2. RAE Classes
    There was considerable discussion as to the best way to man these classes and it was generally agreed that a fresh attempt would be made to get them going on 2 November, after which we would hold one as previously stated, on the first and third Monday of each month.

  3. Future Programme.
    The following dates were proposed to fill in the Mondays not allocated for RAE classes.

    26 OCT Morse Test
    9 NOV Visit to Kettering (Satellites) club to be open
    23 NOV Quiz contest
    30 NOV "My Project" - Talks by members
    14 DEC Tape Lecture - Transistors.
    21 DEC Xmas Party.
    28 DEC Informal.
    1971: 4 JAN AGM.
    11 JAN Tape Lecture - Valves
  4. AGM.
    Agreed that a notice should be put on the board to enable proposals to be made in advance for members of the committee.

    Agreed that the committee should put forward a proposal amending the subscription to a level to be arrived at after further discussion.

  5. On the subject of a request from a non-member, for permission to use a room of the club house for business purposes, the Committee felt that this might conflict with our tenancy conditions, and also that we could hardly afford to give up a room for this purpose.

  6. Security
    The question of locks for the equipment shed and the W.C. was raised. After discussion it was decided to fit locks to both.


Next Committee Meeting 8 NOV. 70.


The meeting closed.

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