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Committee Meeting 6 December 1970

Present :  Deryk Wills G3XKX Chairman
David Rawcliffe G3UGM Hon. Sec.
Tony Barratt G8BMF Hon. Treas.
Cliff Craythorne G3PBC
John Garner G3ZJG (Co-opted)

  1. Annual General Meeting 4 Jan 71
    The Hon. Treasurer produced a draft of the ammendment to the rules which the Committee is to propose to the AGM to cover the recommended increase in subscriptions. After discussion it was agreed to put it forward with a figure of £2 for he annual Senior subscription. The subscription for Life Membership was agreed at £20.

    The Agenda for the AGM was agreed as follows:-

    1. Minutes of the last AGM
    2. Matters arising from the minutes
    3. Chairmans' report
    4. Secretaries' report
    5. Treasurers' report
    6. Election of officers.
    7. Proposed ammendments to the club rules.
    8. Any other business.

  2. Notices
    The Chairman proposed, and it was agreed that the following notices should be put on the notice board :-

    1. Details of the Xmas Party with a request for Members to bring drinks and asking for the number of guests to be restricted tto one per Member.
    2. A reminder that while members are allowed to bring guests to the ordinary meetings at the Club-house, no person is to attend as a guest more than twice in one year.

  3. Future Programme.
    After much discussion, the following was agreed :-
    18 Jan 71 RAE Class
    25 Jan 71 Talk on Receivers by G3XKX
    1 Feb 71 RAE Class
    8 Feb 71 Discussion of Future Programme
    15 Feb 71 RAE Class
    22 Feb 71 "Projects Surgery" - Bring your radio problems.
    1 Mar 71 R.A.E. Class.
    8 Mar 71 Constructor's Contest

    The talk on receivers by G3XKX will include reference to the Amateur Bands Receiver described in current editions of "Practical Wireless" and it is hoped that there will be support for a Construction Project based on this receiver.


The meeting then closed.

J. D. Rawcliffe

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