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Leicester Radio Society.
Secretary's Report for the year ending 31 December 1970


  1. In the last twelve months the Committee met 7 times. Early in the year we unfortunate in losing the services of Jim MacAllister due to illness and John Garner was co-opted onth the Committee in order to fill this gap.

  2. Indoor Activities.
    1. In the whole twelve months we were only able to arrange one outside lecturer, named Bob Palmer G5PP who gave his well-known talk on mobile equipment.
    2. Other subjects for Monday evening meetings included quizzes, discussions and a Constructors' Contest. The latter was won by the Chairman, Deryk Wills, G3XKX for the Seniors, and John Moore, SWL, for the juniors.
    3. Attempts were made to get Construction Project Groups under way but these were frustrated by the apathy of the Members. It is suggested by the retiring Committee that a further attempt be made, this time the subject to be the receiver now being described in "Practical Wireless."
    4. After a slow start, the RAE classes began on 2 November, but here again, with one or two exceptions, enthusiasm has not been overwhelming.
    5. An exception to the general pattern has been the Morse classes which have been held fairly regularly thanks to Cliff Craythorne, G3PBC. These have been well-attended, even by the holders of G8 calls, and have been supplemented by CW nets on Sundays and Tuesdays, T/V permitting.
    6. A new type of sponsored money-raisers appeared in the form of a 12 hour Listening Watch organised during February by the SWL's.
    7. The former Committee Room has now been pressed into service as a shop, enthusiastically run by the Hon. Treasurer, Tony Barratt G8BMF.

  3. Outdoor Activities
    These were as follows:
    1. Leisure 70 The Society operated a station under the callsign GB3LRS.
    2. National Field Day This was again entered by the Society which achieved the position of tenth.
    3. Leicester Show at Abbey Park The usual station was operated from the usual tent in the usual spot. The only thing new was the display of three-wheeled scooters by a squad of "dolly birds", who aroused the technical interest of some of our Members.
    4. V.H.F. Field Day Once again the LRS joined forces with the Leicestershire VHF/UHF Group and entered this contest on 3 frequencies. Our position in the overall results was 34th.
    5. A picnic was held in Rutland with the intention of including some /P working, but things were complicated by the non-co-operation of a local game-keeper.

  4. Miscellaneous
    1. there are certain Members of the LRS who earn our thanks for their services:-
      • Trevor Adcock for making the tea in spite of a steady barrage of insults which would try the patience of a saint.
      • Tony Barratt for running the Junk Shop.
      • Warren Smith and his wife for feeding the multitudes at the two field days.
      • Weryk Wills and his wife for the hospitality extended to the Members of the LRS when they invited us to their home for the Xmas Party.

    2. On the debug side of things we have nothing to be broud of in the appearance of the club-house. About the time when the Society moved into the Cottage some members (whose names do not appear in the records) put in some hard work re-wiring the buildings and decorating the downstairs rooms, but we now seem to be lacking in enthusiasm for this aspect of the LRS. We are very fortunate in having a place of our own but if we do not all do our share of the work the club-house will remain in its present run-down condition and we shall not be able to attract new members to keep our numbers up to an economical level.

      All the efforts of the retiring Committee to get Members to help to get the exterior looking presentable met with grudging support from many Members. It is sincerely hoped that the new Committee will receive better support.


 J David Rawcliffe

Hon. Secretary

28 Dec 70.

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