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Committee Meeting 10. Jan 1971



D. Wills (Chair)
T. Adcock (Hon. Secretary)
J. Garner
T. Barratt (Hon. Treasurer)
C. Craythorne
D. Rawcliffe


  1. Minutes of last Committee Meeting read.

  2. Secretary to arrange a re-print of club rules as now amended.

  3. Consideration of matters arising from the A.G.M. J Harris' suggestion of a circular to be sent to some of the local amateurs who were not members of the society was thought not to hold much hope of success in the light of past experience and it was decided that each member of the Committee would gather together a list of a few potential members before the next committee meeting when it would be decided how to approach each with the best chance of success.

  4. The Secretary was instructed to draw up and have printed a suitable notice for display in the amateur Radio Shops in the city; this notice to have the effect of publicising the clubs existence.

  5. The Secretary was instructed to arrange for the clubs activities to be mentioned in the R.S.G.B. News Bulletin. It was thought that it would be a good idea to promote listening to the Bulletin at the Club-house on Sunday mornings.

  6. Mr. Rawcliffe brought to the committee's attention the invitation from the Leicester Association for Leisure Activities which reminded the club of its entitlement to send two representatives to that organisations A.G.M. on Tuesday 12 Jan. 1971.
    It was decided to approach Mr McAllister who would almost certainly be interested in this.

  7. Mr. Barratt (Hon. Treasurer) suggested that £20 of the club's operating surplus at the end of the last financial year should be deposited without delay with a Building Society to start the equipment find. After discussion the Treasurer was instructed to carry this out in the manner he thought best.

  8. The Chairman raised a point which he thought might well serve to publicise Amateur Radio in the City & County when he mentioned that the librarian of the Oadby Public Library would probably be quite happy to allow members of the club to stage quiet exhibitions of the art of Amateur Radio on Saturday afternoons in a small room at the library. These would be small demonstrations which would not need elaborate staging; and complicated technicals problems would not be involved. This idea was discussed and although it was agreed that no harm could possibly be done by such exhibitions no decision was taken.

Meeting closed by D. Wills (Chair) at 12.55p.m.

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