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 AGM 27/01/2020






21 persons present

Adam took the meeting welcomed all present and asked for a show of hands of paid up members

Then he asked for a show of hands of unpaid members there were 4 present at the meeting

Sebastian /Roy/Polly /and Keith g6ubp

The 2019  agm notes were read by Sandra all in agreement proposed by john m0cqv seconded by  Dave g8pgo and Phil m0vse

All trophies were returned to the club and it was noted that the cw trophy was in need of repair.

Adam read a list if things that have been during the year

Toilet nearly complete kitchen also very near done

Painting of rooms in the house

Also how well we had done with special event station and contests

How we had started a club net on Friday nights and it was getting popular with members

145.325 7.30 onwards

The club had been opening on Thursday afternoons for radio work jobs on-going and also for members that cannot get at night.

Sandra spoke about talks and how we had not set a budget for expenses for speakers so it has been a struggle filling the diary with events

Geoff g4afj said about practical wireless and an article with some ideas

Sandra said she would look into it.

Also been making an effort to get us on the Sunday news and in the radcom

We are now up to march in radcom

Mike spoke about the accounts and we had made a small profit last year

Overall we had made just over £2000on the previous year but warned this might not be the case next year as we had sold some items the mast and we had a donation of £800 from the estate of Andy who sadly died last year,

Again it was mentioned about the amount we spend on the gas when we do not have any gas in the building just standing charge

Also there had been a fantastic effort made at the ham fest by a few members and a lot of equipment was sold,

Also john Ely had left the club members the sum of £245 to be divided by the paid up members  of the club at the time of his death,

Maintenance costs for the building were down last year

Mike was holding a small amount of cash at this time £100 just for small on-going expenses

Thanks were given to the members that have helped donated and given to the club over the last 12 months.

But we cannot sit on our laurels we must actively make an effort to make more money and the club a better place,

Mike asked for any questions or observations

Dave g7dpu asked about Derek will equipment that had been donated to the club

He was told it is all in back room in storage awaiting the next table top sale.

Mikes accounts were proposed by Dave g8pgo and seconded by Sandra g0mcv

There were no other questions

At this time there are 44 members and we need to boost these numbers if we can,

Daveg7dpu asked how many members we had at beginning of the year and how many at end the answer was the same amount.

But we had lost 3 members last year tom Paul and Andy.

And it was said we should keep in touch with members that we haven’t seen for a while,

New foundation course starts Wednesday 5th February

And we had also ran an internet exam for 2 lads from Nottingham full licence as there was no clubs in their area willing to do this.

The membership were asked about the cost of membership and it was decided to keep it the same that was proposed by Barry 2e0lfd and John m0cqv

Nominations for 2020 committee members

Chairman Dave g8pgo proposed by tony and seconded by Keith g6ubp

Vice chair tony  proposed by john m0cqv and seconded by Keith g6ubp

Secretary Sandra g0mcv proposed by john m0cqv and seconded by Colin m6kcx

Treasurer mike proposed by Barry 2e0lfd and ray 2e0

Assistant secretary and membership secretary phil proposed by dave m6mjv and seconded by g6ubp

4 ordinary members

5 nominations so a vote took place

John m0cqv            received 19 votes

Dave g7dpu           received 16 votes

Barry 2e0lfd          received 17 votes

Jonathon 2e0tjy          received   18 votes

Alex g8fcq            received 15 votes

So john Jonathon Barry and Dave take the 4 ordinary committee places

Dave g8pgo took the meeting as our new chairman he thanked the out going chairman and asked for any other business

The pumping station was asked about by john m0cqv and he is going to have a word and see if we can have a special event station there this year.

Polly and tony said they would run the kitchen again.

Mike spoke about the beyond exams scheme he has paper work for any that want it

2 schemes running individual and club

Dave g7dpu asked if we had emptied the container and we have not there are still some antennas in there,

Any other items there were none

Meeting was closed at 20.50 /8.50pm

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